Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm Turning a New Leaf!


Now I can truly say, long time no see my brothers and sisters in the Internet world (that sounded SO geeky right? Woo!!) I can honestly and with confidence say that I am a full adult. I am working hard, with several things in my head that turn into post it notes reminders and I'm going to grad school!! Yep, you read right! Grad school. I REALLY hope this doesn't turn into a nightmare. It will be fine. I have been learning about faith this past month and with all the things that had happened to me, I learned that time will tell things, that God is in control of everything and that faith moves mountains. So, we must have faith! Even when our minds black out and don't really believe it, we certainly must have faith that we will achieve our goals. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters in the Internet world, have faith as I am trying to. Change your vocab from "I hope this doesn't turn into a nightmare" to "Faith moves mountains!" Because its true :)

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